Antoon De Baets

Antoon De Baets is emeritus professor of History, Ethics and Human Rights at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Since 1995, he has coordinated the Network of Concerned Historians. He is the President of the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography and editor of The Palgrave Handbook of Attacks on History (forthcoming).

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Attacks by State and non-State Actors against Historians: A Human Rights Framework
This presentation offers an outline of a human rights framework to understand attacks on history and historians as the most violent form of memory and history politics. "Attacks on history" are defined as threats or uses of force by State or non-State actors against historians or their work with the intent to silence them. The concept is distinguished from related concepts (such as persecution, censorship, violation, crime, abuse, and intellectual misconduct), from conduct under the threshold of attack and from broader structural and systemic violence. Furthermore, the presentation also contains an overview of a typology of attacks based on the main distinction between attacks against historians (subdivided in attacks on historians as individuals and attacks on historians as a community) and attacks against their work (subdivided in attacks on historical information, attacks on historical opinions, attacks on historical truth, and attacks on expressions of memory). Finally, some reflections are devoted to the responsibilities of States and historians to counter attacks on history.
Antoon De Baets
Antoon De Baets is emeritus professor of History, Ethics and Human Rights at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Since 1995, he has coordinated the Network of Concerned Historians. He is the President of the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography and editor of The Palgrave Handbook of Attacks on History (forthcoming).

More information at UG | NCH | ICHTH | NEA | PHAH | cv
Attacks by State and non-State Actors against Historians: A Human Rights Framework
This presentation offers an outline of a human rights framework to understand attacks on history and historians as the most violent form of memory and history politics. "Attacks on history" are defined as threats or uses of force by State or non-State actors against historians or their work with the intent to silence them. The concept is distinguished from related concepts (such as persecution, censorship, violation, crime, abuse, and intellectual misconduct), from conduct under the threshold of attack and from broader structural and systemic violence. Furthermore, the presentation also contains an overview of a typology of attacks based on the main distinction between attacks against historians (subdivided in attacks on historians as individuals and attacks on historians as a community) and attacks against their work (subdivided in attacks on historical information, attacks on historical opinions, attacks on historical truth, and attacks on expressions of memory). Finally, some reflections are devoted to the responsibilities of States and historians to counter attacks on history.